View Full Version : Araba coranica

09-27-2006, 04:21 PM
As dori sa stiu daca araba coranica difera de araba literara si, daca da, in ce sens.
Multumesc anticipat pentru raspunsuri, iar in cazul in care subiectul s-a mai dezbatut pe undeva va rog sa-mi indicati postul sau posturile respective.

09-27-2006, 06:34 PM
The Arabic in the Quran is the original Arabic, the language that any Arabian people will understand. What we talk in our countries is a common Arabic, the Egyptians speak Egyptian, the Saudis speak Saudi.... etc, each are speaking his dialect, which is originally Arabic with some modification. But even if a Saudi went o Egypt, or an Egyptian went to Lebanon, they will understand each other very good without too much trouble.

However, the original Arabic is a VERY rich language, and Arab people were the masters of speeches, rhetoric, poetry in the world at that time, so you can understand the miracle of Quran (which is the main miracle in Islam), that God sent them a complete speech in Arabic, very powerful that even the most poetry masters couldn't pick a language mistake in it, or even bring one complete verse like in Quran.

09-28-2006, 12:15 AM
The Arabic in the Quran is the original Arabic, the language that any Arabian people will understand. What we talk in our countries is a common Arabic, the Egyptians speak Egyptian, the Saudis speak Saudi.... etc, each are speaking his dialect, which is originally Arabic with some modification. But even if a Saudi went o Egypt, or an Egyptian went to Lebanon, they will understand each other very good without too much trouble.

However, the original Arabic is a VERY rich language, and Arab people were the masters of speeches, rhetoric, poetry in the world at that time, so you can understand the miracle of Quran (which is the main miracle in Islam), that God sent them a complete speech in Arabic, very powerful that even the most poetry masters couldn't pick a language mistake in it, or even bring one complete verse like in Quran.

Multumesc pentru raspuns, Moataz. Stiu ca araba vorbita in diferite tari, dialectele de fapt, difera de araba literara. Nu m-am lamurit, totusi, daca si Coranul este scris in araba literara sau are anumite particularitati reunite sub sintagma de "araba coranica".
Iti raspund in romana pentru ca sectiunea de engleza este ceva mai departe :smile16: , iar tu se pare ca descifrezi bine limba noastra din moment ce ai raspuns la subiect. Poti face un pas mai departe si sa incerci sa folosesti si cuvinte sau expresii romanesti? Ar fi o buna ocazie sa mai inveti o limba... a 4-a?... a 5-a...? :36_1_21: Oricum, oamenii deosebiti de pe forum sunt sigura ca-ti vor da o mana de ajutor.

09-28-2006, 01:40 AM
Shama, the Arabic in Quran is the Arabic literature, the original Arabic, and it's the same Arabic that if someone is writing a book or an article in a newspaper will use.

The languages we use commonly in each Arabic country is just spoken, but when we write in an official form we use the original Arabic language, which is the same as in Quran.

However, in Quran there are used some old words that were used at that old time, and no one is using these words now unless he studied Arabic language very good. But still, the Quran language is the normal original Arabic language that any Arab people or who studied Arabic can read very easy.

09-28-2006, 12:28 PM
Mi-a luat ceva timp pana sa-ti inteleg explicatiile :) , dar in sfarsit m-am lamurit. Multumesc, Moataz :give_rose: .