View Full Version : Cum ii spunea Iisus lui Dumnezeu?

02-25-2007, 06:30 PM
Acum cateva momente am vazut o emisiune despre Viata de apoi din perspectiva Islamica , emisiune in care o doamna musulmana Cezarina a afirmat ca Iisus ii spunea lui Dumnezeu "Allah".
As vrea sa intreb pe cineva daca e chiar asa .

02-25-2007, 09:36 PM
As salamu alaikum, draga surioara.
Da, este bine cunoscut faptul ca Isus nu a spus "tata" lui Dumnezeu, ci se referea la El cu un apelativ care in aramaica este echivalentul cuvantului Allah.
Mai multe detalii nu iti pot da acum, din pacate am uitat termenul acela in aramaica.
Sper sa vina cineva cu un raspuns elaborat.:give_rose:

02-25-2007, 10:13 PM
Uite pt. ca nu pot posta link, iti trimit mai jos un paragraf in engleza referitor la acel termen:

In the Semitic language of Aramaic that Jesus spoke, the Aramaic name that is translated as God in the European bible was actually Alaha. Indeed, Allah of the Qur'an and Alaha of Jesus are the same One. The name God is a relatively new, and perhaps unfortunate, European invention that has been the source of much misunderstanding, fear and hatred.

The English word "God" was, of course, unknown to Jesus. The word "God" comes from the German word "goot" which means the "good one." When Jesus spoke of "God" he employed the word "ALAHA," just as the Hebrew speaking people spoke of ALOHIM and Aramaic speakers call the Good One ALLAH.

All three of these Semitic Names for the One God share the root "AL." Unfortunately, there is no exact translation for "AL." The closest would be to "refer to one's very breath, to one's very heartbeat."

This is the reason for the famous verse in the Koran (Qur'an):
Allah is near to each of us: closer than the very jugular vein.

And muslims perfer to use the word Allah because it is the most pure word that can be given to the Divine Being since it can not be made plural and don't have any gender bias. Entymologically you can not find a more suitable word in all human language that can be used to call One True God.

Sper ca acum te-am mai lamurit un pic...

02-25-2007, 10:36 PM
Assalam alaikum
Dupa cite mai tiu eu minte ,parca termenul folosit erea,,Aba'" cu intelesul de ,,taicutule" sau ,,taticutule ".Era un apelativ de alint a unui copil ,catre parintele sau.Era folosit numai in momentele de ,,criza " maxima urmat de o cerere majora.Corect in aramaica termenul este ,,El'i " Din puct de vedere fonetic mi se pare ca amindoua expresiile se apropie de Allah ,si cred ca au radacina comuna.

02-27-2007, 01:34 PM
Draga Anamaria,referitor la acest subiect exista o brosura intitulata "Care este numele Lui" a regretatului Ahmad Deedat.O gasesti pe pagina principala a site-ului "Islamul Azi".Cred ca la intrpretarea prezentata acolo se facea referire in emisiune.

Cuvintele "ava"(ebr.) sau "aba"(ar.)=tata si "Allah"("Elohim","Illahi","Elli") nu au nimic in comun,nici fonetic,nici etimologic!