View Full Version : Sotia mea Iubita ... ~

04-01-2007, 06:07 AM
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o mai tineti minte pe sora Dina :D (cu cuvintele pe care i le adresa sotului ei)

"link_sotul meu Drag" (http://www.rasarit.com/vb/showthread.php?t=906)

iata si raspunsul dat de Sotul ei ;)

(Sa-i binecuvanteze Allah Ta'ala cu tot ce e mai bun in cele doua vieti ya Rabb! Ameen.. )


originalul poate fi citit si aici:

http://www.sisterdina.cjb.net/ (http://www.sisterdina.cjb.net/)


Dedicated to my beloved Wife

Dear my wife...

I still remember the day when we get married, the day I keep the promise to you at the time I married you, as this is the first and worthiest condition of marriage to be fulfilled by a husband. We enter the marriage with the pure intention of pleasing Allaah Ta'ala, in order to receive His grace and blessings. From this day I feel that I am the most lucky man in this earth. Isn't Prophet Muhammad salallaahu'alahi wasalam said "When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear Allaah regarding the remaining half."

How Happy I am because I have fulfilled half of my religion to marry you. How happy I am because with marriage I follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad salallaahu'alahi wasalam. How happy I am because I follow his (salallaahu'alahi wasalam)'s order. "O you young men! Whoever is able to marry should marry, for that will help him to lower his gaze and guard his modesty." (Al-Bukhari)

Dear my wife who is trying to be a better Muslimah...

I hope we both are among who works righteousness. So that Allaah give us a good life, I hope we both can understand each others, forgive each others and advice each others for the sake of Allaah. And I hope we both are among peoples who spread Islam and spread Allaah's messages... I hope our life will be blessed. As Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says "And who works righteousness, male or female, and is a faithful one, so We will give them life a good life, and We will pay them their wages for the most beautiful of what they were working (Qur'an 16:97)"

Dear my wife who wish to be a good wife and mother...

You should know that One of the goals of marriage is to find comfort, repose, and security in the relationship. This goal is more likely to be achieved if we have fear of Allaah Ta'ala and adheres to Islamic morals and manners. I hope that we can reach this goal with our Islamic morals and manners.

InshAllaah, You will be a Mother of our childrens, you are the first teacher for them. Teach them about the True Islam, Show them a good manner, tell them to be kind, honest, loving and caring to parents and other peoples. I pray to Allaah that our childrens are among peoples who fear Allaah, among of the Mu'meen. ameen ya rabb.

Dear my patient wife...

Please forgive me when I am harsh to you. Really I dont mind of that. I wish to always gentle with you, because through gentleness hearts become united in friendship and love, and good becomes widespread. Whereas through its opposite ill feelings and distrust prevails and people forsake one another. As we learn from rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasallam: Indeed Allaah is gentle and loves gentleness, and gives due to gentleness that which He does not give to harshness. (Reported by Ibn Majah (no. 3688) and Ibn Hibaan (no. 549) )

Dear my wife,

Each of us have big responsibility, and InshAllaah we can do our best to fullfill our responsibility. I will remind you one hadith about our responsibility. Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) said: Each of you is a guardian and is responsible for those whom he is in charge of. So the ruler is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects; a man is the guardian of his family and is responsible for those under his care; a woman is a guardian of her husband's home and is responsible for those under her care; a servant is the guardian of his master's wealth and is responsible for that which he is entrusted with; and a man is the guardian of his father's wealth and is responsible fore what is under his care. So each one of you is a guardian and is responsible for what he is entrusted with. Reported by al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans. 9/189/no.252) and Muslim (Eng. Trans. 3/1017/no.4496).

So my dear wife, remind me when I forgot about my responsibilty and I will remind you when you forgot your responsibilty. Hopely we remind each other in a wise manner.

Dear my wife,

Don't be envy with other women condition, their money... their car... their house... their beauty... because all of them are test from Allaah subhanahu wata'ala. We shouldn't feel envy in such things, because envy is a dangerous disease and a harmful evil and therefore keeps away from it. But let me tell you which part that you can feel envy with other women condition. Do you remember one hadith from Ibn Mas'ud radhiallaahu'anhu who said that Rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasalam said : There is to be no envy except with regard to two: A man whom Allaah has given wealth which he strives to spend righteously, and a man to whom Allaah has given the Wisdom (i.e. the Qur'aan) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others. (Bukhari)

Dear my beloved wife who always pray for blessing from Allaah Ta'ala,

Please take care your health carefully, take rest when you feel tired after doing your home work. Eat and Drink enaugh. and whenever you have free time at home, use this time to study and to learn Islam. because health and free time are blessing that many peoples lose. As the saying of Rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasalam "There are two blessings which many people lose: health and free time." ( Bukhari).

O Allaah the Most Merciful.

I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant, my forelock is in Your hand, Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just. I ask You by every name belonging to You which You name Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You taught to any of Your creation, or You have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur’aan the life of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety.’

O Allaah The King Who has no Partner!

You are the Witness to this relationship, I had fallen in love with my life partner, make this love toward her increase my strength to Love You. But, I also pray that my love towards her should not exceed the love towards You. Make this Love a meaningful one. Protect my heart so that I never forget You. Make her love for me not exceed the love she has for You and make us martyr in Your cause. Make her love and desire towards me, never forget Your paradise. If my love towards her ever makes me forget You, remind me and guide me, dont make me one of the losers.
With Love,

Your Husband

04-01-2007, 06:10 AM
Dedicat iubitei mele Sotii

Draga mea sotie…

Inca port in minte ziua in care ne-am casatorit, ziua in care mi-am tinut promisiunea mea fata de tine in clipa cand ne-am casatorit, caci aceasta este intaia si cea mai demna conditie a casatoriei care sa fie indeplinita de sot. Ne incepem casnicia cu intentia curata de a-L multumi pe Allah Ta’ala, pentru a-I primi indurarea si binecuvantarile. Din acea zi ma simt cel mai norocos barbat de pe Pamant. Nu a spus oare Profetul Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wa salam): „Cand un om se casatoreste, si-a implinit jumatate din religie, deci sa se teama de Allah cu privire la jumatatea ramasa”?

Cat de Fericit sunt caci mi-am implinit jumatate din religie casatorindu-ma cu tine. Cat de fericit sunt caci prin casatorie urmez sunnah Profetului Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wa salam). Cat de fericit sunt caci ii urmez porunca: „O, voi, barbati tineri! Oricare dintre voi este capabil sa se casatoreasca atunci sa se casatoreasca, caci asta il va ajuta sa-si plece privirea si sa-si pazeasca modestia.” (Al-Bukhari)

Draga mea sotie care incearca sa fie o tot mai buna Musulmana...

Sper ca amandoi suntem dintre cei ce savarsesc dreptatea. Incat Allah sa ne daruiasca noua o viata buna, sper ca ne putem intelege unul pe celalalt, sa ne iertam unul pe celalalt si sa ne sfatuim unul pe celalalt de dragul lui Allah. Si sper ca amandoi suntem deopotriva printre cei ce raspandesc Islamul si raspandesc mesajul lui Allah... sper ca viata noastra sa fie binecuvantata. Dupa cum Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala spune: „Pe cel care face o fapta buna – barbat ori femeie – si este credincios il vom darui Noi cu o viata buna. Si Noi ii vom rasplati pe ei dupa [faptele] cele mai bune pe care le-au savarsit.” (Qur`an 16:97).

Draga mea sotie care-si doreste sa fie o buna sotie si mama...

Sa stii ca Unul dintre telurile casatoriei noastre este sa gasim alinare, linsite si siguranta in relatia noastra. Acest tel e cel mai posibil sa fie atins daca avem teama de Allah Ta’ala si ne atasam de moralitatea si comportamentul Islamic. Sper ca putem atinge acest tel prin moralitatea si comportamentul nostru Islamic.

InshAllah, Tu vei fi o Mama a copiilor nostri, tu esti prima lor scoala. Invata-i despre Adevaratul Islam, Arata-le lor un bun comportament, spune-le sa fie buni, onesti, iubitori si grijulii cu parintii si cu ceilalti. Ma rog lui Allah ca sa fie copiii nostri printre cei cu teama de Allah, printre Mu’meen. ameen ya rabb.

Draga mea sotie rabdatoare...

Te rog iarta-ma cand sunt aspru cu tine. Chiar nu vreau astfel. Doresc sa fiu mereu bland cu tine, caci prin blandete inimile sunt unite in prietenie si adevarata dragoste, iar binele este raspandit. In timp ce prin opusul sau [al blandetii] sentimente rele si neicrederea se abat [asupra oamenilor], iar oamenii se parasesc unul pe celalalt. Dupa cum invatam de la Rasulullah (salallahu`alahi wasallam): „Cu adevarat Allah este bland si iubeste blandetea, si daruieste pentru blandete ceea ce nu daruieste pentru asprime.” (relatat de Ibn Majah (no.3688) si Ibn Hibaan (no. 549)

Draga mea sotie,

Fiecare dintre noi are o mare responsabilitate, si Insha’a Allah putem da tot ce avem mai bun pentru a ne implini indatorirea [responsabilitatea]. Sa-ti amintesc de un hadith despre responsabilitatile noastre. Trimisul lui allah (sal Allahu alayhi wa slam) a spus: „Fiecare dintre voi este un pastor si fiecare este responsabil pentru turma lui. Califul este un pastor al oamenilor si va fi tras la raspundere pentru supusii sai. Barbatul este un ocrotitor al membrilor familiei lui si va fi intrebat de ei. Femeia este ocrotitoarea gospodariei barbatului ei si a copiilor lui si va fi intrebata despre acestea. Sclavul are grija de averea stapanului sau si va intrebat de acest lucru. Fiecare dintre voi este un ocrotior si fiecare dintre voi va fi intrebat de responsabilitatea lui.” (relatat de al-Bukharee si Muslim).

Si astfel, sotia mea draga, aminteste-mi atunci cand imi uit responsabilitatea, iar eu iti voi aminti tie atunci cand ti-o uiti pe a ta. Sper ca ne vom aminti unul altuia intr-un mod intelept.

Draga mea sotie,

Sa nu invidiezi situatia altor femei, banii lor... masina lor... casa lor... frumusetea lor... caci toatea acestea sunt un test de la Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. N-ar trebui sa simtim invidie fata de astfel de lucruri, caci invidia este o boala periculoasa si un rau daunator si astfel sa ne tinem departe de ea. Dar sa-ti spun pentru ce sa simti invidie fata de situatia altor femei. Iti amintesi un hadith de la Ibn Mas’ud (radhy Allahu anhu) care relata ca Rasulullah (sal Allahu alayhi wa salam) a spus: „Nu exista invidie decat in doua cazuri: omul caruia Alah i-a daruit avere si l-a facut sa o cheltuiasca in slujba adevarului si omul caruia Allah i-a daruit intelepciune si el se poarta conform ei si ii invata si pe altii.” (Bukhari).

Iubita mea sotie care se roaga intotdeauna pentru binecuvantarea lui Allah Ta’ala,

Te rog inrijeste-te de sanatatea ta cu atentie, odihneste-te cand te simti obosita dupa ce-ti faci munca ta in casa. Mananca si Bea indeajuns si oricand ai timp liber acasa, foloseste-ti acest timp pentru a studia si a invata Islamul, caci sanatatea si timpul liber sunt binecuvantari pe care multi oameni le pierd. Precum spunerea lui Rasulullah (sal Allahu alayhi wa salam): „Sunt doua binecuvantari pe care multi le pierd: sanatatea si timpul liber.” (Bukhari).

O, Allah, Cel mai Indurator.

Sunt robul Tau, fiul slujitorului Tau si al slujitoarei Tale, fruntea mea este in mana Ta, porunca Ta asupra mea este intotdeauna implinita si hotararea Ta asupra mea e dreapta. Te rog cu fiecare nume ce-Ti apartine, cu care Tu Insuti Te-ai numit, sau pe care l-ai revelat in Cartea Ta, sau l-ai invatat(-o) pe oricare din creatia Ta, ori l-ai tinut ascuns in stiinta nevazutului cu Tine, [te rog] sa faci Qur’an-ul viata inimii mele si lumina pieptului meu si o alungare a suferintei mele si o eliberare a nelinistii mele.

O, Allah, Regele Care nu are nici un Partener!

Tu esti Martorul acestei relatii, m-am indragostit de partenera vietii mele, fa ca aceasta iubire ce i-o port ei sa-mi intareasca puterea in a Te Iubi pe Tine. Dar, ma rog de asemenea, ca iubirea ce i-o port sa nu intreaca iubirea mea pentru Tine. Fa aceasta iubire sa fie plina de semnificatie. Protejeaza-mi inima incat sa nu Te uit niciodata. Fa ca iubirea ei pentru mine sa nu depaseasca iubirea ce Ti-o poarta Tie si fa-ne pe noi martiri pentru cauza Ta. Fa ca iubirea si dorinta ce mi-o poarta sa nu o faca sa uite niciodata de paradisul Tau. Daca iubirea mea fata de ea ma face sa Te uit, aminteste-mi si calauzeste-ma, nu ma lasa printre cei pierduti.

Cu Dragoste,

Sotul Tau.

04-01-2007, 02:33 PM
si pentru a intregi ce a spus daniela aici v-as recomanda un nasheed

il puteti vizualiza la aceasta adresa:

"My Wife" Nasheed äÔíÏ "ÒæÌÊí"áÃÍãÏ Èæ ÎÇØÑ
