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06-02-2006, 11:32 PM
a poem for graduating seniors
by Mahasin Shamsid-Deen

If you can keep your Islam
When everyone around you is losing theirs
If you can trust and call on Allah
In all your concerns and daily affairs,

If you truly believe Allah is The Best Knower
When you think ‘you’ know this or that
And remember Allah is the Only Judge
And personal opinions don’t figure in that fact

If you are constant in your Dawah
While you face the trials of this dunya
And make sure all your deeds and actions
Are in accordance with Quran and Sunnah

If you can keep up your daily salat
And your fast during Ramadhan too
Even if at school away from home
You never forget they are required of you

If you remember that even a smile is sadaqah
As you see your muslim sister every day
And make sure you offer the salaams
The moment you see a muslim coming your way

If you keep taqwa in your heart
And grow strong in your Iman
Then your sisters in Islam welcome you
For you are now a - Muslim Woman

“And who is better in speech than one who calls upon Allah, does good deeds and says,
Lo – I am of those who are Muslim (Holy Quran Surah 41: ayah 33)

If. Copyright 1999 Mahasin D. Shamsid-Deen

Mi-a placut mult...........seamana cu If-ul lui Ruyard Kippling:D

06-03-2006, 05:45 PM
Easy & Difficult
Easy is to get a place is someone's address book.
Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart.
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes
Easy is to talk without thinking.
Difficult is to refrain the tongue.
Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound...
Easy is to forgive others.
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness
Easy is to set rules.
Difficult is to follow them...
Easy is to dream every night.
Difficult is to fight for a dream...
Easy is to show victory.
Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity...
Easy is to admire a full moon.
Difficult to see the other side...
Easy is to stumble with a stone.
Difficult is to get up..
Easy is to enjoy life every day.
Difficult to give its real value...
Easy is to promise something to someone.
Difficult is to fulfill that promise...
Easy is to say we love.
Difficult is to show it every day...
Easy is to criticize others.
Difficult is to improve oneself...
Easy is to make mistakes.
Difficult is to learn from them...
Easy is to weep for a lost love.
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.
Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action...
Easy is to receive.
Difficult is to give.
Easy to read this.
Difficult to follow.

06-03-2006, 05:46 PM
Thank you O Allah!

Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm rings,
Thank you, Allah, that I can hear. There are many who are deaf.
Even though I keep my eyes closed against the morning light as long as possible,
Thank you, Allah, that I can see. Many are blind.
Even though I huddle in my bed and put off rising,
Thank you O Allah,that I have the strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden.
Even though the first hour of my day is hectic, when socks are lost,toast is burned and tempers are short, my children are so loud;
Thank you,Allah, for my family. There are many who are lonely.
Even though our breakfast table never looks like the pictures in magazines and the menu is at times balanced,
Thank you, Allah, for the food we have. There are many who are hungry.
Even though the routine of my job is often monotonous,
Thank you,Allah, for the opportunity to work. There are many who have no job.
Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest,
Thank you, Allah, for life.
If we can pass this on to most people we know, it just might help a bit to make this world a better place to live in.

06-03-2006, 05:48 PM
Lets get back to Islam, before the sun goes down,
We never know when we'll be under the mound.
"I'll pray when I get older," That's what they say,
But we might not have even one more day!
Lets get back to Islam, before its too late,
"Aw man, can't I just delay it for another date?"
Times running out, our lives are almost done,
"But brother, I'm too busy having fun."
Lets get back to Islam, Jahannam aint funny,
"Come on man, I'm to busy making money!"
The Quran sits on our ----ves and there it picks up dust,
The longer we stay away from it, the more our hearts pick up rust.
Lets get back to Islam, before our lives our gone,
"Not right now, I'm too busy, can't you see I have the TV on!"
There's no time to waste, lets start it now,
Come on, for Allah can't you even bow?
Lets get back to Islam, this aint just a song,
"But brother, a few minutes in prayer, that's too long!"
"I'll go on hajj when I'm around fifty-five,"
Come on man, by then will you even be alive?
Lets get back to Islam, lets not waist another day,
"Aw Masood, leave me alone, I just wanna play."
Lets turn back to Allah before we turn to dust,
There's no delaying, bro this is a must!
Lets get back to Islam, for reals, not just with our lips,
Oh Allah make us sincere, so we don't feel Jahannam's whips.
"I think I'll get pious when my hair turns gray."
Come on man, don't wait, we may die any day.
Lets get back to Islam, this aint just another rap,
Its a race to Jannah, and Islam's the only map.

06-03-2006, 05:50 PM
Allah knows what's best for us
So why should we complain?
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain
We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear
Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened
/f they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gives the marble grace and form
Allah tests us often
And for every bit of pain
Provided we are patient
Is followed by rich gain
So whenever we are down
And everything is going wrong
It is just Allah's way
To make our spirit strong

06-03-2006, 11:07 PM
Jazzak Allahu Khairan!!
Everything in and around us - everything that exists which we don't know about - all belongs to Allah, the Creator of all. Everything we do therefore should be in His name.
“There is no beauty without truth, no goodness without sacrifice and no salvation without obedience.”
If you enjoy good poetry, poetry to warm your heart, poetry it’s a thing of beauty, many thanks to the kind sisters who send us these beautiful poems.

In Allah's name

In the name of Allah we are born
In His name we live and in His name we die

Our shadows prostrate to their Creator morning and evening
without our consent
Birds and animals usher in the times of prayer

Birds circumambulate the Ka'ba
while migrating birds stretch forth their wings
finding their way by Allah's Mercy

Only to feel unrest and leave once more
ever-searching, traveling discontent until they die

We, also wander some blindly
while others see ..

06-04-2006, 08:44 PM
Salamou 3alaykoum wa rahmatollahi wa barakatouh

Suivre le chemin de Dieu
C'est vouloir devenir pieux

Trop de gens restent dans l'ignorance
Croyant que l'Islam est une religion de souffrance
La caractériser ainsi est une offense
Car son mot d'ordre est tolérance
Elle recommande la bonté et la générosité
Et réprouve la vanité et l'iniquité
Elle nous dit d'aimer et de pardonner
Et les pauvres nous interdit de mépriser
Elle n'est pas religion d'oppression
Où la femme n'a pas de droit d'expression
Mais plutôt religion de compassion
Où chacun recherche la juste rétribution
Mes frères et soeurs prenez conscience
du message qui nous a été transmis
Armons nous de patience et pour récompense
nous aurons le Paradis
Eloignons nous du Chaytan et de ses tentations
Ne laissons pas ce bas monde nous entraîner vers ses passions
Evitons pour nous la confusion et pour notre âme sa perdition
Notre seul refuge est auprès d'Allah , l'Unique le Vivant
Alors nous les croyants combattons contre les mécréants
Notre prophète- bien aimée (saw) a mené une vie de
long combat pour propager l'Islam
Suivre ses pas signifie le salut pour notre âme
Il nous montre la voie et le bon comportement
Grâce à la Sunna et au Saint Coran
Il a offert aux générations suivant la sienne un présent somptueux
Il nous a enseigné comment vivre heureux
Grâce à Allah Ta'ala le Tout Miséricordieux
Qui destine une demeure dans les cieux aux plus vertueux
Malheureusement les hommes sont par nature ingrats
Ils ne sont pas tous reconnaissants, certains ne comprennent pas
Le savoir et la science sont une lumière qui est accessible à chacun
Alors ne passez pas votre vie à accumuler des biens
Ne préférez pas le matériel au spirituel
Et aspirez au Paradis éternel
La purification il ne faut pas oublier
De la foi elle représente la moitié
Alors mes frères et soeurs prions notre Seigneur
Demandons lui le pardon pour nos erreurs
Dkir et Du'a doit être pratiquer régulièrement
Car c'est un devoir pour tout musulman
L'expiation fait partie de la religion
Multiplier les bonnes actions repoussent les tentations
L'Islam est bâti sur 5 piliers :
- "Achâdou anna lâ illaha ilallah wahdah la chârika lah wa achâdu anna
Mohamad abdouhou warasoulloulah "
est le premier
- La prière on se doit de pratiquer
- Le mois de Ramadan il faut jeûner
- Le pèlerinage aux lieux saints on doit effectuer
Pratiquer cela avec assiduité
ne permet aucune perte de temps en ~~~~~~~~~ilité
Ne faîtes pas de cette religion une difficulté
Alors qu'elle n'est que facilité
Si vous avez la foi en Allah Ta'ala
N'ayez crainte, Il vous protègera
Soyez cependant vigilants dans vos propos
pensez aux conséquences, aux dégâts des mots
Le Seigneur Tout Puissant a dit dans le Saint Coran :
"Alors veillent sur vous des gardiens, des nobles scribes
qui savent ce que vous faîtes" (S82.V10-12)
Il fait ici mention des Anges qui prennent notes au-dessus de notre tête
Donc craignez Allah, car Il connaît parfaitement les choses inconnaissables
Les épreuves nous musulmans nous devons surmonter
Avec le souvenir de Dieu nous sommes réconforté
Car la grande récompense accordée en prix à la dévotion
Insha'allah nous l'obtiendrons
Vous procréez pour mourir après, vous construisez ce qui sera détruit
Vous convoitez ce qui va être anéanti car c'est la destinée
Et vous délaissez ce qui est fait pour durer
La vie est brève et la mort nous guette à chaque instant
Soyons frères et soeurs musulmans persévérants
Car la vie présente n'est qu'un objet de jouissance trompeuse
Et pour nous chaque minute de notre temps est précieuse
Nous aurons tous des comptes à rendre au jour du jugement
Vous ne vous en rendez peut-être pas compte en ce moment
Nous serons tous interrogé au sujet de ce que nous faisions
Alors revenez tous vers une véritable soumission
Vous voyez, l'Islam parle de tout,
Mes frères et soeurs, lisez et cultivez- vous
Ce poème n'est qu'une goutte d'eau dans un océan de connaissances
A tout moment n'oubliez jamais Sa Présence
Musulmans du Monde entier
Soyez bénis où que vous soyez
Restons forts et unis
Et Insha'allah on se retrouvera au Paradis

06-04-2006, 11:13 PM
fetelor cebine venite sunt postarile de la acest topic...tu tot incerc sa gasesc in romana niste poezii islamice...tre sa fie si pe la noi careva mai inspirat ,nu?....s-or ascunde?:smile16: :smile16:

06-08-2006, 07:54 PM
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Death is coming!

“Wherever ye are death will find you out even if ye are in towers built up strong and high!” (Qur’an 4: 78)

It was early in the morning at four,
When death knocked upon a bedroom door,
Who is there? The sleeping one cried.
I'm Izrael, let me inside.

At once, the man began to shiver,
As one sweating in deadly fever,
He shouted to his sleeping wife,
Don't let him take away my life.

Please go away, O Angel of Death!
Leave me alone; I'm not ready yet.
My family on me depends,
Give me a chance, O please prepense!

The angel knocked again and again,
Friend! I'll take your life without a pain,
‘Tis your soul Allah requires,
I come not with my own desire.

Bewildered, the man began to cry,
O Angel I'm so afraid to die,
I'll give you gold and be your slave,
Don't send me to the unlit grave.

Why are you afraid! Tell me O man,
To die according to Allah's plan?
Come smile at me, do not be grim,
Be Happy to return to Him.

O Angel! I bow my head in shame,
I had no time to take Allah's Name.
From morning till dusk, I made my wealth,
Not even caring for my health.
Allah's command I never obeyed,
Nor five times a day I ever prayed.

A Ramadan came and a Ramadan went,
But no time had I to repent.
The Hajj was already compulsory on me,
But I would not part with my money.

All charities I did ignore,
Taking usury more and more.
Sometimes I sipped my favorite wine,
With flirting women I sat to dine.

O Angel! I appeal to you,
Spare my life for a year or two.
The Laws of Qur’an I will obey,
I'll begin Salat this very day.

My Fast and Hajj, I will complete,
And keep away from self-conceit.
I will refrain from usury,
And give all my wealth to charity,
Wine and wenches I will detest,
Allah's oneness I will attest.

We Angels do what Allah demands,
We cannot go against His commands.
Death is ordained for everyone,
Father, mother, daughter or son.

I'm afraid this moment is your last,
Now be reminded, of your past,
I do understand your fears,
But it is now too late for tears.

You lived in this world, two score and more,
Never did you, your offspring adore.
Instead of making more Muslims,
You made your children non-Muslims.

You ignored the Call to Prayer,
Nor did you read the Holy Qur’an.
Breaking promises all your life,
Backbiting friends, and causing strife.

From hoarded goods, great profits you made,
And your poor workers, you underpaid.
Cars and cards were your leisure,
Moneymaking was your pleasure.

You ate vitamins and grew more fat,
With the very sick, you never sat.
A pint of blood you never gave,
Which could a little baby save.

Paradise for you? I cannot tell,
Undoubtedly you will dwell in hell.
There is no time for you to repent,
I'll take your soul for which I am sent.

The ending however, is very sad,
Eventually the man became mad
With a cry, he jumped out of bed,
And suddenly, he fell down dead.

O Reader! Take moral from here,
You never know, your end may be near
Change your living and make amends
For Paradise, on your deeds depends.

06-10-2006, 11:41 PM
Bismillahi arRahmani Rahim

Allah, écoute ma prière
Ya Allah, aujourd'hui je me retrouve sans amis
Aujourd'hui, j'ai enfin compris
Sur personne on ne peut compter
Aucune épaule sur laquelle se reposer
Je t'ai lontemps oublié
Je me suis guère soucié
Maintenant seule dans ma tristesse
Dans mes cris, mes larmes de tristesse...
Où se tourner, qui regarder ?
Quand personne ne daigne t'écouter
Sans personne pouvant te comprendre
Et te cojoler,ou te consoler, ou même t'embrasser
Mon coeur est lourd de la peine
Une peine, qui n'en vaut pas la peine
Une solitude infinie, la récompence d'avoir fait confiance
A l'humanité, et non, à mon seigneur vénéré
Oh Allah, oui Allah
Ecoute ma prière
Aujourd'hui je ne sais plus quoi faire
Je m'en retourne à toi
A celui qui toujours là
Aveugle pour te voir
Trop bête, pour le savoir
Toi seul, qui ne me quitte pas
Oui toi seul, qui est toujours avec moi
Je regrette de t'avoir négligé
J'ai peur que tu me laisse tombé
Je t'en pris, ne regarde pas mes péchés
Mon seigneur, je ne t'oublierais plus jamais
Quand je pense à toi, je sens ma foi, grandir en moi
Seule, je ne le serais plus jamais
Tu es le seul digne d'amitié
Le seul à qui je peux me confier
Le seul, oui à m'aimer
Tu ne demande rien en retour
Tu es tout simplement Amour

06-10-2006, 11:43 PM
Même si des centaines d'années
Nous séparent de notre bien-aimé
Tout ce qu'il a dit, tout ce qu'il a fait
Nous parvint comme il se devait

Et fermement
Nous préservons
Un beau diamant
Qu'il nous laissa

Dont la lumière guide nos vies
Sur cette terre le jour, la nuit
Et ce joyau que nous gardons
C'est l'islam la vraie religion

Même si centaines d'années
Nous séparent de notre bien-aimé
Tous ce qu' il a dit, tout ce qu'il a fait
Nous parvint comme il se devait
Et patiemment
Oui, nous marchons
Sur le chemin
Qui est le sien

Ceux qui le suivent seront heureux
Le paradis sera pour eux
Ce droit chemin que nous suivons
C'est l'islam la vraie religion

06-10-2006, 11:50 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused:

se poate si traducerea.... te rog....
eu nu stiu decat 10 cuvinte(maxim) in franceza....

:o :o :o

06-15-2006, 10:07 PM
You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,
You know me not for what's inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride,
My body's not for your eyes to hold,
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mold,

I'm an individual, I'm no mans slave,
It's Allah's pleasure that I only crave,
I have a voice so I will be heard,
For in my heart I carry His word,

"O ye women, wrap close your cloak,
So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk",
Man doesn't tell me to dress this way,
It's a Law from God that I obey,

Oppressed is something I'm truly NOT,
For liberation is what I've got,
It was given to me many years ago,
With the right to prosper, the right to grow,

I can climb mountains or cross the seas,
Expand my mind in all degrees,
For God Himself gave us LIB-ER-TY,
When He sent Islam,
To You and Me!

06-15-2006, 10:08 PM
I am the one who is so poor
I am the one who is so miserable
Can anyone feel my misery?

I am the one who feels a pain, a harsh pain in my heart
I am the one who suffers disappointment everyday, every hour, every minute.
Do you feel that pain?

I am the one who has to bury my own children
My innocent and helpless children
Bury her own children
Do you understand how it feels to bury
Innocent and helpless children

I am the one who is injured and has to treat my own injuries
I am the one who has to wipe my own tears.
Do you know how it hurts when you are ..... injured

I am the one who watches bleeding bodies,
Needy hands, tearful eyes, and broken hearts every second
I am the one who has to wake up with the sound of weapons

Have you ever.....
Touched bleeding bodies, dried tearful eyes, felt needy hands
Heard the terrible sounds of weapons

I am the one who lives alone, who is not alive, who is not dead
I am the one who is helpless
Have you ever felt you are ..... helpless, alone

I am the one whose heart is broken and whose eyes are tearful
I am the one who has gone with the wind
Has anyone ever broken your heart?

Where are my children, my innocent and helpful children?
Why have they left me alone?

How does a mother feel when she looses her children?
Do you know.....
How a mother feels when she sees the empty bed, the tiny clothes.....

Where are my lovely nights and pleasant morning?
Where is my sky, my blue and bright sky?

Who will help me?
Who will treat my injuries?

Come my lovely children,
Don't leave me alone,
Don't forget me.

Do you know who I am?
I am a mother.
I am the one who lost my child

The battle for power continues
And the innocent pay for it WHY?

.....Because some are too greedy.....

The time is coming.....
'And say; the truth has come and the falsehood has vanished; surely falsehood is a vanishing thing.' (The Holy Qur'an, 17:81)

Never loose HOPE

Dedicated to the valiant mother of Iraq
Who have lost innocent children?

06-15-2006, 10:10 PM
Why a Jew can grow his beard and he is just practicing his faith and he has his freedom?

But when Muslim does the same, he is an extremist and terrorist!

Why a nun can be covered from head to toe and she is respected for devoting her self to God?

But when Muslimah does the same she oppressed and they are reactionary!

When a western women stays at home to look after her house and kids she is respected because of sacrificing herself and doing good for the household?

But when a Muslim woman does so by her Will, because Islam don't prevent Muslim women from work they say, "she needs to be liberated"!

Any girl can go to university wearing as she need and have her rights and freedom?

But when Muslimah wears Hijab they prevent her from entering university!

When a child dedicates himself to a subject he has potential.

But when he dedicates himself to Islam he is hopeless!

When a Christian or Jew kills someone religion is not mentioned, but when Muslim is charged with a crime, it is Islam that goes to a trial!

When someone sacrificing himself to keep others life, he is a noble one and all respects him.

But when a Palestinian do that to save his son from being killed, his brother's arm being broken, his mother being raped, his home being destroyed, and his mosque being violated. He gets the title of terrorist! Why? Because he is Muslim!

When there is a trouble we accept any solution? Only if the solution is in Islam, we refuse without having a look at this solution.

When someone drive a perfect car in a bad way no one blame the car.

But when any Muslim make a mistake or treat people in a bad manner - people say "Islam is the reason"!

Without looking to the tradition of Islam, why people believe what the newspaper say.

But question what the Quran say!

06-15-2006, 11:03 PM
Draga Allah,

Purifică-mi mintea de orice
Salveaza doar gandurile de la tine.

Goloste-mi inima de tot
Salveaza doar dorintele de la tine.

Completeaza-mi vidul cu nimic,
Dar umple-l de cunoastere.

Alina-mi singuratatea cu nimic
Dar promite-mi ca niciodata nu ma vei uita.

Servitorul tau neajutorat
Are mare nevoie de mila ta ,nu ma refuza te rog ,ya ILAHI
Nu te intoarce de la mine ,ya Rabiy nu ma arunca din calea ta
Si nu ma lasa fara Iubirea ta.

06-23-2006, 06:58 AM
My Greatest Need is You

Your hope in my heart is the rarest treasure
Your Name on my tongue is the sweetest word
My choicest hours
Are the hours I spend with You --
O Allah, I can't live in this world
Without remembering You--
How can I endure the next world
Without seeing Your face?
I am a stranger in Your country
And lonely among Your worshippers:
This is the substance of my complaint

My Beloved

My peace, O my brothers and sisters, is my solitude,
And my Beloved is with me always,
For His love I can find no substitute,
And His love is the test for me among mortal beings,
Whenever His Beauty I may contemplate,
He is my "mihrab", towards Him is my "qiblah"
If I die of love, before completing satisfaction,
Alas, for my anxiety in the world, alas for my distress,
O Healer (of souls) the heart feeds upon its desire,
The striving after union with Thee has healed my soul,
O my Joy and my Life abidingly,
You were the source of my life and from Thee also came my ecstasy.
I have separated myself from all created beings,
My hope is for union with Thee, for that is the goal of my desire.

autor:Rabi'ah al Adawiyya

06-23-2006, 06:59 AM

I tried to find Him on the Christian cross, but He
was not there; I went to the Temple of the
Hindus and to the old pagodas, but I could not
find a trace of Him anywhere.

I searched on the mountains and in the valleys
but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I
able to find Him. I went to the Ka'bah in Mecca,
but He was not there either.

I questioned the scholars and philosophers but
He was beyond their understanding.

I then looked into my heart and it was there
where He dwelled that I saw Him; He was
nowhere else to be found.

autor:Jalaluddin Rumi

06-23-2006, 07:00 AM
Who is the Real Seeker?

I will not say, O Brother, what the spiritual concert is,
Until I know who is listening to it.

If he begins his flight from the tower of the spirit.
The Angels will not keep up with his soaring.

But if he be a man of error, vanity and play,
The Shaytan will grow more powerful in his brain.

The Rose is torn apart by the morning breeze,
But not the log; for it can only be split by an ax.

The world feeds on music, drunkenness and rivalry.
But what does the blind man see in a mirror?

Science and Faith

Once Science said to Faith:

"My eye can see all that is in this world;
The Entire world is within my net.
I am only concerned with material things,
What have I to do with spiritual matters?
I can strike a thousand melodies,
And openly proclaim all the secrets that I learn."

Faith said:

"With your magic even the waves in the sea are set ablaze,
You can pollute the atmosphere with foul, poisonous gases.
When you associated with me, you were light,
When you broke off from me, your light became fire.
You were of Divine origin,
But you have been caught in the clutches of Shaytan.
Come, make this wasteland a garden once again.
Borrow from me a little of my ecstasy,
And in the world set up a paradise.
From the day of creation we have been associates,
We are the low and high tunes of the same melody."

06-23-2006, 07:01 AM

"The Breath of the All-Merciful has no
basis in other than the All-Merciful...
Its stopping-place is the Yaman of the creatures
and It is neither spirit nor body.
It has no limit to define It
yet It is what is (always) sought, the Sempiternal (al-matlub as-Samad)
For all the creatures are seeking It
though none of them can possess it
Unique, no one is like It
alone in the Perfection of Its description."

My Journey

I withdrew with He whom I love passionately, and there was no one but us,
for if there had been another than me, the retreat would not have been one.

When I imposed on my soul the conditions of her seclusion,
the souls of the creatures all at once became her slaves!

But if there were not in her an Other than herself,
my soul would have made a gift of herself to He who overwhelms her with His gifts.

07-03-2006, 10:20 PM
salam aleikom!

*cine isi face mila de o biata necunoscatoare a limbii engleze ,sa traduca ce e scris mai sus???

multumesc anticipat!

* aleikom salam!

07-25-2006, 01:48 AM

Everyday as i wake up at dawn
My mind start working the moment i yawn
There were many things to do, o dear!
That's why i hastily did my Subuh prayer
I didn't have the time to sit longer to
praise the Lord
To me rushing out after prayer is nothing odd...

Since school, i had been busy every minute
Completing my tutorials and handing it in
My ECAs took up most of my time always
No time did i have to Allah to pray
Too many things to do and zikir is rare
For Allah, I really had no time to spare..

When i grew up and started my career
Working all day to secure my *********ure
When I reached home, I prefered to have fun
I chatted on the phone but i didn't read the Quran
I spent too much time surfing the Internet
Sad to say, my faith was falling flat...

The only time i have left is weekends
During which i prefer window shopping with friends
I couldn't spare time to go to the mosque
I'm too busy, that's the BIG EXCUSE...

I did my five prayers but did so quickly
After prayer, I didn't sit longer to reflect quietly
I didn't have time to help the needy ones
I was loaded with work as my precious time runs

No time at all to visit a sick Muslim friend
To orphans and elderly, I hardly lent a hand
I'm too busy to do community service
When there were gatherings, I helped the least

My life was already full of stress
So i didn't counsel a Muslim in distress
I didn't spend much time with my family
B'coz i thought, doing so is a waste of time...

No time to share with non-Muslim about Islam
Even though I know, inviting causes no harm
No time to do Sunnah prayers at all
All these contribute to my imaan's fall..

I'm busy here and busy there
I've no time at all, that's all i care
I went for religious lessons, just once in awhile
Coz i'm too busy making a pile...

I worked all day and i slept all night
Too tired for Tahajjud and it seemed not right
To me, earning a living was already tough
so i only did basic deeds but that's not enough..

No time at all, to admire God's creation
No time to praise All_h and seek His Compassion
Although I know how short is my life
For Islam, I really didn't strive..

Finally the day comes, when the Lord calls for me
And I stood before Him with my Life's History

I feel so guilty b'coz i should have prayed more
Isn't that what a Muslim lives for?
To thank Allah and do more good deeds
And the Quran is for us all to read..

Now at Judgement Day, I'm starting to fret
I've wasted my life but it's too late to regret
My entry to Paradise depend on my good behaviour
But i've not done enough nor did proper prayer

My "good deed book" is given from my right
An angel opened my "book" and read out my plight.
Then the angel chided me....

"O You Muslim servant, you are the one,
Who is given enough time, yet not much is done
Do you know that your faith is loose?
saying "no time" is only an excuse.
Your "good deed book" should be filled up more
with all the good work you stood up for..

Hence, I only recorded those little good deeds
As I say this, I know your eyes will mist..
I was about to write some more, you see
But i did not have, THE TIME to list".......

07-25-2006, 01:49 AM
I asked for Strength.........
And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for Wisdom.........
And God gave me Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity.........
And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.
I asked for Courage.........
And God gave me Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love.........
And God gave me Troubled people to help.
I asked for Favours.........
And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted
I received everything I needed
My Prayer has been answered

07-25-2006, 01:49 AM

There was a time in my youth,
When Islam was only a custom.
They said "say La IIaha IIIa Allah,..
And pray, you'll go to Heaven."
************************************************** **

Ah, how simple, no struggle in this,
Just a word, and simple act.
Thereafter I'm absorbed in this world again,
With my 'assured' place in Paradise intact.
************************************************** ***

But this was not to be my fate
For ALLAH chose to guide my heart.
I learnt of a man who struggled so hard
When his mission was from the start.

************************************************** ****

The story of someone who had morals,
Spoke gently, kindness he knew.
Never fearing to say what's right,
His conviction in ISLAM was true.
************************************************** ****

The touch of his hand was as soft as silk
To comfort a crying child.
To mend his clothes, or do the chores,
Never complaining, he always smiled.
************************************************** ****

A living he made with his bare hands,
The same that held his mighty sword.
Valour shone from the edge of his blade,
************************************************** ****

His smell was always of musk,
And cleanliness he kept at his best.
Stark contrast with the heroes of today,
Who stink of beer and sweat.
************************************************** ****

He held the hands of his companions.
Unashamed to play with many children.
So modest, so humble, a perfect example,
That strangers could not recognise him.
************************************************** ****

His eyes slept little for nights were precious,
His prayers he treasured much greater.
To pray Tahajjud in the depths of night,
Seeking forgiveness, and nearness to his Creator.
************************************************** ****

He broke his tooth for me at Uhud,
And bled for me at Ta'if.
He cried for me, tears of concern,
Just so I could have this belief.
************************************************** ****

His enemies admired his teachings,
Uniting every religion, every clan.
Till ISLAM came to every corner of the world,
O, but indeed he was only a man.
************************************************** ****

To own a house, or build his wealth
Was not his main priority.
To establish ISLAM was more essential,
To bring us under a Higher Authority.
************************************************** ****

Don't you want him to plea for your case,
When before ALLAH-The Judge-you stand?
Don't you wish to be around his fountain,
A burning desire to drink from his hand?
************************************************** ****

So I love him more than all creation,
My Leader, my Humble Prophet.
Muhammad (sallahu aleyhi wa salam) was a mercy to all mankind,
And to me, he is ************

07-25-2006, 01:51 AM
To A Non-Muslim Woman

When you look at me
All that you can see
is the scarf that covers my hair
My words you can't hear
because you're too full of fear,
mouth gaping, all you do is stare

You think it's not my choice
in your own "liberation" rejoice.
You think I'm uneducated,
trapped, oppressed and subjugated,
You're so thankful that you're free.

But non-Muslim woman you've got it wrong
You're the weak and I'm the strong.
For I've rejected the trap of man.
Fancy clothes - low neck, short skirt
those are devices for pain and hurt.
I'm not falling for that little plan.

I'm a person with ideas and thought.
I'm not for sale, I can't be bought.
I'm me - not a fancy toy,
I won't decorate anyone's arm,
nor be promoted for my charm.
There is more to be than playing coy.

Living life as a balancing game - mother,
daughter, wife, nurse, cleaner, ************, lover
and still bring home a wage.
Who thought up this modern "freedom"?
Where man can love'em and man can leave'em.
This is not free, but life in a cage.
Always jumping to a male agenda
competing on his terms.
No job share, no creche facilities,
no feeding and nappy changing amenities
No time off for menstrual pain,
"hormones" they laugh "what a shame"
No equal pay equal skill
your job they can always fill.
No promotion unless you're sterilised.
No promotion unless you're sexually terrorised.
And this is liberation?

Non-Muslim woman you can have your life.
Mine - it has less strife.
I cover and I get respected,
surely that's to be expected,
for I won't demean the feminine,
I won't live to male criterion,
I dance to my own tune
and I hope you see this very soon.
For your own sake - wake up and use your sight.
Are you so sure that you are right?

From a Muslim Woman

07-25-2006, 01:53 AM

When the prophet immigrated
he was calling for Allah
no hot desert, no cold night
manage to stop that holly man
when the faithful Abu-baker
was his help along the way
don't you wary, don't be sad
Allah never turned them down

they carried on until the end
until Islam had dominated
it is a journey of its kind
it changed the history of mankind
praise be to Allah
he gives victory to Islam

The greatest

Allah is great
he is my creator
he is my sustainer
we should follow what he says
because Allah is great
look around you and see
the butterfly and the bee
fly around, fly so high
they thank Allah
because Allah is great


I am praying to Allah
Every day, every night
To guide me straight, no left, no right
to grant my soul a peace of mind
to shine his light into my heart
to teach me the things that are right
to show his mercy, to show me his care
I always pray to Allah


I love Allah and the prophet
and the sahaba and my parents
all my brothers, all my sisters
who love Allah and the prophet
O' you muslims love each other
pray to Allah, pray together
don't follow the shaitan
remember the Quran
who teaches you to love each other
Allah tells us we are brothers
like a bunch of beautiful flowers
that is the way to become pious

07-25-2006, 04:38 AM
salam aleikom!

*cine isi face mila de o biata necunoscatoare a limbii engleze ,sa traduca ce e scris mai sus???

multumesc anticipat!

* aleikom salam!
Salam Aleykum , Oardy . Nu fi suparata ca nu esti singura , sunt cu tine . Nu au mila de noi , dar lasa ca postam si noi intr-o limba ca sa nu inteleaga nici ei , sa vada cum este .
Totusi , hai sa le -----stram ca nu suntem asa ca ei , asa ca o sa postez in romana sa inteleaga toata natiunea .

07-25-2006, 04:56 AM
Nu uita niciodata:
Faptul ca traiesti nu a fost ideea ta,
Si ca respiri , n-a fost hotararea ta ,
Faptul ca traiesti a fost ideea Altcuiva ,
Si ca respiri - darul Lui pentru tine !
Nu uita niciodata :
Nimeni nu gandeste , nu simte ,
Nu se manifesta ca tine ,
Nimeni nu zambeste cum tocmai o faci
Nu uita niciodata :
Nimeni nu vede cerul asa cum vezi tu ,
Si nimeni nu stie tot ce stii tu !
Nu uita niciodata :
Fata ta nu o mai are nimeni pe acest pamant ,
Si ochii astia ii ai doar tu !
Nu uita niciodata :
Esti bogat , bogatia ta nu sunt banii tai
Ci viata ta !
Nimeni nu traieste ca tine !

Tu esti dorit , nu esti un rod al intamplarii ,
O toana a naturii ,
Fie ca-ti canti viata in diezi sau in bemoli
Esti un gand a lui Dumnezeu ,
Si inca unul genial !
TU esti TU !

07-29-2006, 02:26 AM
Easy & Difficult
Easy is to get a place is someone's address book.
Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart.
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes
Easy is to talk without thinking.
Difficult is to refrain the tongue.
Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound...
Easy is to forgive others.
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness
Easy is to set rules.
Difficult is to follow them...
Easy is to dream every night.
Difficult is to fight for a dream...
Easy is to show victory.
Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity...
Easy is to admire a full moon.
Difficult to see the other side...
Easy is to stumble with a stone.
Difficult is to get up..
Easy is to enjoy life every day.
Difficult to give its real value...
Easy is to promise something to someone.
Difficult is to fulfill that promise...
Easy is to say we love.
Difficult is to show it every day...
Easy is to criticize others.
Difficult is to improve oneself...
Easy is to make mistakes.
Difficult is to learn from them...
Easy is to weep for a lost love.
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.
Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action...
Easy is to receive.
Difficult is to give.
Easy to read this.
Difficult to follow.
Usor& greu
Usor e sa.ti faci loc in agenda cuiva,
Greu e sa.ti faci loc in inima cuiva.
Usor e sa judeci greselile altora
Greu e sa le recunosti pe ale tale.
Usor e sa vorbesti fara a gandi
Greu e sa.ti infranezi limba.
Usor e sa ranesti persoane dragi inimii
Greu e sa vindeci ranile lasate in urma...
Usor e sa ierti pe cineva
Greu e sa.ti ceri iertare.
Usor e sa fixezi reguli
Greu e sa le respecti.
Usor e sa visezi fiece noapte
Greu e sa lupti pentru visul tau.
Usor e sa te lauzi cu victoria
Greu e sa recunosti infrangerea cu demnitate...
Usor e sa admiri luna plina
Greu e sa privesti dincolo de ea...
Usor e sa te impiedici de o piatra
Greu e sa te ridici...
Usor e sa te bucuri de viata zi de zi
Greu e sa.i descoperi adevarata valoare...
Usor e sa faci o promisiune
Greu e sa o duci la bun sfarsit...
Usor de spus ca iubesti
Greu e sa o arati zi de zi...
Usor sa critici pe altii
Greu sa.ti imbunatatesti insusi comportamentul...
Usor sa faci greseli
Greu sa inveti din ele ...
Usor sa plangi pentru o dragoste pierduta
Greu a fost sa ai grija de ea ca sa nu o pierzi.
Usor sa te gandesti la imbunatatiri
Greu sa te opresti gandindu.te la ele si sa la faci
Usor sa primesti
Greu e sa oferi.
Usor sa citesti aceste randuri
Greu sa le urmezi.

07-29-2006, 02:42 AM
I asked for Strength.........
And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for Wisdom.........
And God gave me Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity.........
And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.
I asked for Courage.........
And God gave me Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love.........
And God gave me Troubled people to help.
I asked for Favours.........
And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted
I received everything I needed
My Prayer has been answered

M.am rugat pentru Tarie........
Si Allah mi.a dat Greutati , pentru a ma intari.
M.am rugat pentru Intelepciune.......
Si Allah mi.a dat Probleme pe care sa le rezolv
M.am rugat pentru Bogatie.......
Si Allah mi.a dat Inteligenta si Putere de munca
M.am rugat pentru Curaj........
Si Allah mi.a dat Pericole sa le depasesc
M.am rugat pentru Iubire.......
Si Allah mi.a scos in cale oameni pe care sa.i ajut
M.am rugat pentru Favoruri.......
Si Allah mi.a dat Oportunitati
Nu am primit nimic din ce am vrut.
Am primit tot ceea ce aveam nevoie.
Mi s.a raspuns la Rugaciune.

07-29-2006, 03:02 AM
Allah knows what's best for us
So why should we complain?
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain
We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear
Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened
/f they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gives the marble grace and form
Allah tests us often
And for every bit of pain
Provided we are patient
Is followed by rich gain
So whenever we are down
And everything is going wrong
It is just Allah's way
To make our spirit strong
Allah stie ce e mai bine pentru noi
De ce sa ne plangem?
Vrem tot timpul raze de soare
Dar El stie ca trebuie sa fie si ploaie
Ne dorim zambete
Si distractii sa ne inveseleasca ,
Dar inima isi pierde astfel gingasia .
Daca nu varsam o lacrima
Allah ne incearca adesea ,
Cu greutati,suferinta si cu necazuri
Ne incearca doar, nu inspre a ne intrista ,
Doar ne pregateste pentru ziua de maine .
Ca si copacii care se intaresc
In urma furtunilor ce.i incearca.
Ca si taietura ascutita a daltei ,
Care da marmurei gratie si forma .
Allah ne testeaza des ,
Iar pentru orice durere ,
Se asigura ca suntem rabdatori .
Totul are un scop maret
Deci atunci cand suntem deprimati ,
Si nimic nu pare a merge bine ,
Este doar voia lui Allah !!!
De a ne intari.

07-29-2006, 03:27 AM
My Soul is Longing for You (The Holy Prophet)
An Open Letter to Our Beloved Prophet Mohammad (s)

You are the light of our eyes.
Without you we are like orphans,
somehow scared and heartbroken.
Now we seek condolence in roses;
we see you in their beauty
and feel your smell in
their sweet scent.

We are so honoured to
be a part of your nation.
We love you dearly.
We admire and envy those
who love you even more.
You know how one waits and
longs for meeting with the
beloved. That's how we are
longing for our meeting with
you in Paradise.
We get encouraged and hopeful
with your saying "you are with
those whom you love" and
eagerly wait for our
meeting by the River
of Kawthar.

Our Lord the Exalted who created
you and made you His Beloved and asked
the believers to love you and follow
your example has taught us the prayers
of invoking Allah's blessings on you to
help ease our pain of missing you until
the day we meet in Paradise.

"Allah and His Angels send blessings
on the Prophet. O you who believe!
Send your blessings on him, and salute
him with all respect" (33:56).

Every time we ask Allah to send His
Peace and Blessings on you we also feel
the blessings of Allah on us.
We almost visualize the pigeons
of prayers that we set free in
the destination of Madinah reaching
to your blessed garden of rest and
you holding and pitting them gently.

The World Has Defeated Us
The world is a place of travel
and we are the passers by.
In this foreign land we often
trip over and fall into traps.
Our Lord, the Exalted, Who sent
us to this world has made you our
guide. He told us to follow your
example. We constantly remember
your guidance not to make a wrong
step; striving to be like you we
contemplate on every issue and think
how you would have acted if you were
among us now; how you would have
remembered and worshipped Allah
or deal with people or eat and sleep.
We consider you as more important
than our own lives and love those
who love and follow you.

O the best of all the Prophets
O the master of all messengers
Even though we consider it the
highest honour to sacrifice our
lives in the cause of Islam, we
have a difficulty in breaking
the idol of our own ego. You
reminded us that the World with
its sweetness and attractions
may deceive us.

You warned us of the danger of
attaching our hearts to the World.
You told us that the world and all
that is in it is of no real value.
You warned us against collecting
worldly properties.
You told us that we will be tested
with material gains and that the
real life we should strive for is
the Hereafter. You advised us to
be like a traveller passing by.
You did exactly what you told us
to do. There were time you did not
find a few pieces of date to eat.
From the time you honoured Madinah
until the day you passed away you
did not find to eat wheat bread
consecutively for three days.

O Rasoolullah,
O Habibullah,
the world has defeated us.
The world has become a giant
and we became like the dwarfs.

The Abolishment of Oppression

O Rasoolullah,
Our main goal is to strive
against our ego, to revive
ourselves with the guidance
your brought, to live like
a Muslim and to stay as a Muslim.
The World is playing tricks on us
coming up in different costumes,
telling us how to live our lives
and what to do and how to dress.
They do not give us the right to
live like a Muslim and like a
dignified human being. You have
abolished oppression with the
religion you brought and saved
the victims fragile necks from
the bloody hands of oppressors.
The way you saved humanity
fourteen thousand years ago
from oppression and injustice.

The victims, all their rights
were to be oppressed, revived.
The oppressors, never thought of
failure, died. Through the religion
you brought, the oppression has
collapsed. You were the answer for
the hopeless. You have brought the
value that the human being deserves.
Now the oppression awakened and wit
the strength it gained, it is pressing
down on our throats. Every time we
are faced with oppression we find
the condolence in you. We think of
the oppression you had gone through,
and can not help but think as if you
came to this world to endure hardship.
Remembering that you were an orphan
and all the other hardships you were
tested with is like an ointment on
our own injuries. We think of the
times that you were seeking guidance
in the mountain of Nur, tired of the
disorder in the World. We know that
the bats who were scared of the light
that you brought from the mountains
were disturbing you. Yet, you were
steadfast and patient despite all
this hardship. Just as we are about
to sink in the swamp of irrational
oppression, we reach out to the Rope
of Allah that you brought for us.
Once again we realize why Allah Had
Made you our guide and example. With
the pleasure of realizing that you
are a mercy to the World we shed tears.

From Humiliation to Exaltation

O Rasulallah,
O Habibullah,
We learned how to be a dignified human
being from you. With the religion you
brought, Allah Exalted us from humiliation
to sovereignty, from a hole to the citadel.
When we embraced Islam Allah Made us the
best of nations. We became the superpower
that others bent down on their
knees and opened their hands seeking help.
In those magnificent times that we ruled,
we followed your example in forbidding
evil and oppression and giving the
rights of the victims.
Unfortunately, as we shifted away from
the beauty of Islam we dried up, we got
oppressed, we bent down on our knees and
open our hands begging. Since then no one
takes us seriously nor treat us with a
worthy treatment. We want to wake up and
revive and come back to our senses and
raise from humiliation to sovereignty
and live as Muslims.

O beloved of the World!
We want our children to live like
Muslims, to follow your footsteps,
and to be saved from the Hellfire,
whose fuel will be people and stones.
We want those who try to prevent
us from our way to have mercy on us,
and to recognise us and to know that
we want nothing but the pleasure of
Allah. We ask Allah to Give them
guidance and to grant us patience
and success in our struggle.

O Rasulallah,
We truly want to be better
servants of Allah and better
believers again. We want to become
a nation you deserve and be proud
of. We want to be those successful
believers who humble themselves in
their prayers; who avoid vain talk;
who are active in giving Zakat; who
guard their modesty; who faithfully
observe their trust and their
covenants; and who guard their
prayers (23:1-11). These days,
one of the sayings that give us
hope and keep us going is that
you gave the glad tidings to those
servants of Allah who are oppressed
and are patient in enduring it will
be exalted by Allah. We have been
oppressed and humiliated and look
down on. However, we believed the
sovereignty belongs to Allah and
His Prophet and the believers (63:8).
We pray to Allah to be among those
who are patient and thus will
receive sovereignty and honor
that they deserve. We also pray
to be among those who will be
subjected to your intercession
on the day of judgement.
(Insha Allah , in curand si traducerea :give_rose: )

07-29-2006, 03:30 AM
When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember
Through the darkness, Allah is The Light.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember
It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember
Allah won't hurt you, He is The Fair.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember
Allah Sees it all.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember
Seek strength from The Strong.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember
Allah is The Able.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember
Allah is The Only Guide.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember
Allah is always ready to hear.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember
Allah is The Rich.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember
You can always run to The One.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When your all alone
And your pain has no end
Remember just remember
(I belive a line is missing here!)

* * * * * * * * * * * *

And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
Allah is really here.

07-29-2006, 10:56 AM
When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind...

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Cand lucrurile sunt la pamant
Iar tu ti.ai imprastiat mintile
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Allah e Cel mai Bun.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Cand viata e intuneric
Si nimic nu e drept
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Prin intuneric, Allah este Lumina.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Cand nimic nu are sens
Si te indrepti spre a ceda,
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Nimic nu are sens, dar Allah e cel mai Intelept.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Cand vremurile.ti sunt grele
Iar nimanui nu.i pasa
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Allah nu te va rani, El este cel Drept.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Cand inima ti se frange
Si durerea te prabuseste
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Allah Vede Totul.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Cand esti slabit ,
Iar drumul ti se pare lung
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Cauta putere de la Cel Puternic.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Cand viata este o povara
Si nimic nu e sigur ,
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Allah este cel Priceput.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Cand calea e umbrita
Si nimeni langa tine,
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Allah este singurul Companion.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Cand nimeni nu vrea sa te asculte
Sau sa aplece o ureche spre tine
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Allah este intotdeauna pregatit sa asculte.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Cand esti sarac si falit
Si cauti un refugiu intr.o nisa ,
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Allah este Cel mai Bogat.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Cand esti prabusit in disperare
Si nicaieri inspre ce sa alergi
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Poti alerga intotdeauna la El.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Cand esti singur
Si durerea pare de nesuportat
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti
Allah e Cel Milos.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Iar cand cicatricile dor
Si inima se zbate in frica
Aminteste.ti, doar aminteste.ti

gabriela guettat
07-29-2006, 11:40 AM
HABIBTY,cat de frumoase sunt si cat adevar in ele,te rog sa ne termini de tradus,multi pupici la fetitele mele destepte,:give_rose: :give_rose: :give_rose:

07-29-2006, 03:00 PM
Jazak Allah Khairun . Allah sa va rasplateasca pentru efortul vostru . :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :give_rose: :give_rose: :give_rose: -pentru voi

07-29-2006, 05:17 PM
Who is the Real Seeker?
1)I will not say, O Brother, what the spiritual concert is.....
2)Science and Faith....

1)Cine se poate cerceta cu adevarat ?

Nu voi spune :” O Frate, ce este muzica interioara ? ”
Pana nu ma conving cine a ascultat.o.

Daca.si va incepe zborul din turnul sufletului ,
Ingerii nu vor tine pasul cu zborul sau.

Dar daca va fi un om al raului, orgolios , si prefacut
Sheitan va creste puterea in mintea sa.

Trandafirul este zdrentuit de briza diminetii ,
Dar nu si buturuga; o poate dobori doar un topor.

Lumea se hraneste cu muzica, betii si concurenta
Dar ce poate vedea un orb cand priveste in oglinda ?

2)Stiinta si Credinta

Odata Stiinta spuse Credintei :
”Ochii mei vad totul in aceasta lume ;
Intreaga lume se afla in plasa mea.
Sunt doar ingrijorata de lucrurile materiale.
Ce sa fac cu cele spirituale ?
Pot descoperi 1000 melodii ,
Si sa declar deschis toate secretele pe care le detin ."

Credinta spuse :

"Cu magia ta , chiar valurile in mare stralucesc,
Tu poluezi atmosfera cu gaze toxice ,
Impreuna cu mine doar , ai fost Lumina,
Cand te.ai desprins de mine, Lumina a devenit Foc.
Originea iti era Divina ,
Dar ai fost prinsa in clestii lui Sheitan .
Vino, fa inca o data din acest desert , o frumoasa gradina ,
Imprumuta de la mine putin entuziasm ,
Si prefa lumea intr.un Paradis
Din ziua Creatiei, am fost asociati ,
Suntem tonul inalt si cel scazut al aceleiasi melodii."

07-29-2006, 08:30 PM
Jazak Allah Khairun Qurat
Allah sa te rasplateasca pentru eforturile tale de traducere....
esti o comoara

07-29-2006, 10:42 PM
You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed
"Cum sunt imbracata"
Ma privesti si strigi ca sunt asuprita,
Simplu, doar dupa cum sunt imbracata,
Ma stii nu dupa ce e in sufletul meu ,
Imi judeci hainele ce le port cu mandrie,
Corpul meu nu e un lucru la care tu sa te uiti,
Trebuie mai intai sa.i vorbesti mintii mele, nu formei mele de femeie.

Sunt independenta , si deci nu sunt sclava nimianui,
Este mila lui Allah la care ravnesc ,
Am voce , deci voi fi ascultata ,
Pentru ca inima mea poarta mandra cuvantul Lui ,

"O voi femeilor ,acoperiti.va cu mantie ,
Sa nu fiti deranjate de lumea ignoranta",
Nu ascult de barbat , imbracandu.ma astfel
Ci doar ma supun legii lui Allah.

Asuprirea e un cuvant de care nu am habar,
Pentru ca detin libertatea,
Care mi.a fost data cu mult timp in urma,
Impreuna cu dreptul de a creste, de a prospera ,

Pot escalada munti sau traversa mari ,
Imi pot expune ideile in ce mod doresc,
Allah insusi ne.a oferit LIBERTATEA ,
Cand a trimis Islamul,

07-30-2006, 12:33 AM
My Soul is Longing for You (The Holy Prophet)
An Open Letter to Our Beloved Prophet Mohammad (s)

You are the light of our eyes.
Without you we are like orphans,

Scrisoare deschisa catre iubitul nostru profet Mohammad
(Pacea si binecuvantarea lui Allah fie asupra lui!)

Esti lumina ochilor nostri.
Fara tine, suntem orfani
Cumva speriati si cu inimile zdrobite.
Acum cautam condoleante in trandafiri ;
Te vedem pe tine in frumusetea lor desavarsita
Si simtim adierea parfumului tau
In esenta lor dulce.

Ne simtim atat de onorati
Fiind parte din natiunea ta
Te iubim cu desavarsire.
Admiram si invidiem pe cei care
Te adora inca mai mult decat noi o facem .
Stii cu cata patima ne dorim sa te intalnim
Asa de nerabdatori suntem sa te intalnim in Paradis.
Ne gasim curajul si speranta in vorbele tale
" tu esti cu cei pe care.i iubesti " si
Pastram dorinta vie , sa te intalnim langa raul Kawthar.
Solemn Dumnezeul ce ne.a creat pe mine
Iar tu , preaiubitul Sau ,
Ai indrumat credinciosii sa te iubeasca si
Sa.ti urmeze exemplul , iar
Exemplul tau ne.a invatat pe noi ce ne rugam ,
Invocand binecuvantarile lui Allah asupra ta,
Prin ele sa usuram durerea dorului pana
cand Paradisul ne va reuni.

"Allah si ingerii au trimis binecuvantari profetului,
O, voi ce credeti,
Indreptati binecuvantarile voastre catre el,
Si salutati.l cu respect! " (33:56).

Atunci cand trimitem Pacea si Binecuvantarile lui Allah asupra ta
Acestea se intorc si inspre noi!
Aproape vedem rugaciunile pe care le inaltam, ca si porumbeii ,
Eliberandu.i spre vazduh sa zboare
Ajungand la Madinah
In gradina ta binecuvantata care te odihneste ,
Le iei , le ocrotesti si le pitesti in loc sigur.

Lumea ne.a invins
Lumea e un circuit
Iar noi trecatori prin el.
In acest pamant strain , adesea
Ne ratacim si cadem in capcane
Solemnul nostru Domn , ce ne.a trimis aici
Te.a binecuvantat in a ne ghida.
Ne.a spus sa.ti urmam exemplul
Adesea ne amintim
Sfaturile tale sa ne indrepte pe drumul cel bun
Stradania sa fim ca tine , o contemplam la fiecare pas
Si ne gandim cum ar fi daca te.ai afla printre noi acum,
Cum ti.ai aduce aminte si cum l.ai venera pe Allah
Sau cum ai vorbi cu lumea , cum te.ai hrani , cum ai dormi.
Te preaslavim mai mult decat vietile noastre
Si iubim pe aceia care te iubesc si te urmeaza !

O , cel mai bun dintre Profeti
O , stapanul trimisilor
Chiar daca consideram cea mai inalta onoare in a sacrifica
Viata in slujba Islamului,nu avem decat neputinta
In a ceda orgoliului nostru.
Ne.ai adus aminte ca Lumea cu toate bunatatile si atractille ei
Ne poate dezamagi.

Ne.ai avertizat ca ne vom pierde inimile in Lumea asta trecatoare
Ne.ai spus ca lumea cu tot ce are ea , nu are valoare
De asemenea ne.ai spus ca nu e important sa aduni averi
Ne.ai spus ca vom fi pusi la incercare de lucruri materiale efemera
Si ca lumea pentru care trebuie sa ne zbatem este cea De pe urma.
Ne.ai invatat sa privim lumea ca un simplu trecator ,
Urmand intocmai ce ne.ai sfatuit
Erau vremuri in care nu gaseai nici macar mici bucati de hrana
Din momentul in care ai binecuvantat Madinah cu prezenta ta
Pana in ultima ta zi
Ai rabdat pana si 3 zile fara nici o bucatica de paine.

O Rasoolullah,
O Habibullah,
Lumea ne.a invins ,
Lumea e un monstru care ne.a strivit !

O Rasoolullah,
Scopul nostru e sa luptam impotriva egoului
Sa ne impunternicim cu ghidarea care o indrepti asupra noastra
Sa traim ca un Musulman
Sa ne comportam ca un Musulman.
Lumea face glume cu noi, afisandu.se in costume diferite
Spunandu.ne cum sa ne traim vietile
Ce sa facem si cum sa ne imbracam .
Ei nu ne dau posibilitatea
Sa traim ca un Musulman.
Ai starpit opresia asupra oamenilor
Si ai salvat victimele fragile
Din mainile insangerate, prin credinta .
Felul in care ai salvat umanitatea
Multi ani in urma din nedreptate !

Victimele, cu toate drepturile asuprite, au reanviat.
Cei ce i.au facut sa sufere nu s.au la esec, dar au murit.gandit
Prin religia ce ai adus.o, ai suprimat necazurile si nedreptatile.
Ai fost raspunsul celor fara de speranta
Ai adus valoarea binemeritata ce omenirea o merita
Acum asuprirea s.a trezit si incearca sa ne sufoce...
De fiecare data cand suntem amenintati de ea , cautam alinare in tine.
Ne gandim cum ai indura acum tot ce se intampla daca ai veni printre noi.
Amintindu.ne ca ai fost orfan, si toate greutatile pe care a trebuit sa le infrangi
Sunt ca o mangaiere asupra noastra.

Ne gandim la vremea cand cautai indrumare pe muntele Nur
Obosit de haosul din lume.
Stim ca liliecii au fost tematori de lumina ce ai adus.o cu tine
Din munti , aceia desigur te.au tulburat.
Dar ai fost rabdator si intelegator in ciuda acestor greutati.
Chiar atunci cand suntem aproape de a ne afunda in mlastina asupririi irationale,
Ne intindem sa apucam franghia lui Allah pe care ai adus.o pentru noi.
Inca odata, ne dam seama ca Allah te.a facut ghid si exemplu pentru a ne salva.
Cu placerea realizarii ca ai fost din mila adus printre noi ,in lume, lacrimam...

De la Umilinta la Slava

O Rasulallah,
O Habibullah,
Am invatat de la tine cum sa fim demni
Cu religia pe care ai adus.o , Allah ne.a slavit din umilinta
La absolut , dintr.o gaura a cetatii.
Cand am imbratisat Islamul, am devenit cei mai buni intre natiuni
Am devenit o putere mareata,la care altii ingenuncheaza cautand ajutor.
In timpurile minunate cand ai condus lumea spre lumina,
Ti.am urmat exemplul in a interzice raul si asuprirea,
Dandu.le bucurosi victimelor drepturile inapoi.

Din nefericire, am plutit in deriva de la frumusetea Islamului,
Insusi ne.am asuprit ,ne.am prabusit in genunchi si am deschis mainile cersind
De atunci nimeni nu ne ia in serios , si nu ne trateaza pe drept
Vrem sa ne trezim si sa reanviem simturile si sa ne ridicam din umilinta si supunere
Si sa traim ca Musulmanii.

O ,tu care esti cel mai iubit din lume,
Vrem ca copiii nostri sa traiasca ca Musulmanii adevarati si sa.ti urmeze pasii
Sa se salveze din focurile iadului
Care va arde pietre si oameni...

Vrem sa cerem mila celor ce ne impiedica sa ne comportam ca Musulmanii
Si vrem sa inteleaga ca nu vrem decat sa urmam calea lui Allah.
Cerem de la Allah sa le dea cale dreapta si buna indrumare
Si noua rabdare si succes in lupta pe care o ducem.

O Rasulallah,
Sincer vrem sa fim mai buni servitori ai lui Allah
Vrem sa devenim din nou o natiune pe care o meriti si de care sa fii mandru.
Vrem sa fim credintei ascultatori, si supusi in rugaciune.
Evitand discutiile inutile , platind Zakat, fiind modesti
Dintre cei care plini de credinta capata incredere si pun drept straja rugaciunea.
Aceste zile , una din zicalele ce ne da speranta, si ne intareste spre a merge mai departe
Este ca dai veste buna acelor care se supun lui Allah, si sunt rabdatori, totodata asupriti
Ca aceia vor fi slaviti de Allah.
Am fost umiliti si ne.am uitat in jos,orisicum ,
Am crezut in suveranitatea ce apartine numai lui Allah ,
A profetului sau, si a credinciosilor . (63:8).
Ne rugam la Allah sa fim printre aceia care sunt rabdatori
Si vor primi slava si onoarea de care merita.
Ne rugam sa fim printre aceia care vor fi ajutati de mila Ta in ziua judecatii.

07-30-2006, 04:21 PM
To A Non-Muslim Woman
Catre o femeie nemusulmana.

Cand te uiti la mine
Tot ce poti vedea
Este esarfa ce.mi acopera parul
Cuvintele nu mi le auzi
Fiind plina de frica,
Cu gura cascata , tot ce faci este sa te uiti mirata .

Crezi ca decizia nu.mi apartine
Dupa ideea ta de libertate.
Ma crezi needucata
Supusa , constransa si subjugata
Iar tu,atat de mandra de libertatea ta.

Dar,tu femeie nemusulmana,ai inteles gresit
Tu esti cea slaba, iar eu cea puternica !
Pentru ca m.am ferit de capcanele barbatilor.
Haine sofisticate – decolteuri adanci, bluze scurte
Sunt instrumente pentru durere si suferinta .
Eu nu cad atat de usor in fata acestora ,
Sunt o persoana cu idei si ratiune .
Nu sunt de vanzare , deci nu pot fi cumparata !
Eu sunt Eu , nu o jucarie sofisticata ,
N.am sa decorez bratul nimanui ,
Nici n.am sa fiu promovata pentru farmecul meu..
Sunt multe de facut , si mai bune decat sa fii sfios .

Traind viata ca un joc in balans,cand mama,
Si inca aducand acasa o leafa
Cine a inventat acest joc de.a libertatea?
Unde un barbat te poate iubi dar si parasi oricand ,
Asta nu e libertate, ci doar viata intr.o colivie,
Sarind din loc in loc, completand liste in agenda barbatilor
Fara contributie in munca, fara facilitati la cresa,
Fara bucuria de a hrani, de a schimba scutece,
Fara zile libere,in zilele grele ale lunii ,
"hormonii" vor rade : "ce pacat".
Nicicand acelasi salar pentru aceasi indemanare
Slujba ta are nevoie de completari...
Nici o promovare decat daca esti sterila.
Nici o promovare daca sexualitatea.ti este terorizata.
Si asta e libertatea ?

Poti sa.ti traiesti viata cum vrei , tu , femeie nemusulmana
A mea ? nu este in competitie !
Ma acopar si sunt respectata ,
Desigur , era de asteptat
Nu.mi neg feminatatea
Dar nici nu o las la criteriile barbatilor
Dansez pe propriile acorduri.
Si sper sa ma intelegi cat mai curand
Fa.o de dragul tau – trezeste.te si foloseste.te de privire!
Esti sigura ca ai dreptate ?

De la o femeie musulmana.

07-30-2006, 04:27 PM
Allah sa te rasplateasca
imi place atata de mult aceasta poezie si e atata de plina de adevar

07-30-2006, 06:31 PM

I sail to you in the ocean of my dreams
To a far away distant place
Of great beauty and tranquility
Where pain and suffering do not exist,
Where we give praise for our joy and happiness,
Where our love intertwines with a love for all things

O beloved keeper of my heart
The companion of my soul
You have reached out and touched the essence of my being
And shown me the way to a higher plane

Your love has awakened me from my years of slumber
A beckoning call to the spiritual world
Where my body is mist in the mountains
This is where my heart belongs
This is where my soul lives...
************************************************** ******************************

Vaslesc in ocean , catre tine...
Catre un loc indepartat
Un loc patrunzator, frumos si linistitor
Unde durere si suferinta nu exista
Unde suntem recunoscatori pentru bucuria ce ne cuprinde,
Unde dragostea se impleteste in jurul tuturor lucrurilor

O preaiubite , o tu care pastrezi cu grija inima mea
Companionul sufletului meu
Ai atins si ai rapit esenta firii mele
Mi.ai aratat calea dreapta spre o treapta mareata...

Dragostea ta pentru mine, m.a desteptat din anii de odihna
M.a chemat spre o lume spirituala
Acolo unde corpul este invaluit in ceata norilor
Aici inima-si are locul
Aici traieste sufletul meu...

07-30-2006, 08:21 PM
Advice on Friends!

A real friend wishes his companions well,
He's not one who allows them to get close to hell,
Always be careful of the friends you Choose,
So, in the end, Jannah you will not lose,
If you find your companion is not stopping your wrong,
then, be weary, his friendship is not strong.
If you see the pattern made,
that when you are under your friend's shade,
Your Imaan begins to fade,
Leave the worthless creation,
make friends with Allah, Surely that is a high station!.
A dervish who had knowledge of our present situation,
Once told his students the following dictation,
"The meeting of people will never enrich you,
save with the gibberish of useless gossip.
So diminish your meeting with people,
except for knowledge or to improve your condition"
************************************************** *************************************
Sfat despre prieteni

Un prieten adevarat iti doreste binele
Te indeparteaza de cararile ce duc spre Iad ,
Dar fii atent ce prieteni iti alegi
Ca in cele din urma sa nu pierzi Paradisul
Daca prietenul nu te opreste de la fapte rele ,
Fii temetor , caci nu e bine
Daca vezi sub sablonul facut
Credinta ca.ti slabeste in umbra prietenului tau ,
Lasa in urma aceasta trecatoare creatie
Imprieteneste.te cu Allah, cu siguranta vei fi pe cea mai inalta pozitie!
Candva un intelept le.a spus studentilor sai :
"Cunoscand mai multa lume ,nu o sa te innobileze
Mai bine pastreaza.ti cuvintele, si nu le arunca in vant !
Restrange intalnirile cu lumea
Exceptand invatatura sau scopul de.ati imbunatati spiritul ."

nour al huda
08-08-2006, 03:35 AM
:salam: .....aici, printre aceste randuri,printre aceste versuri....am gasit o oaza de liniste, o dara de parfum al binecuvantarii, adevaruri impetuoase....minute de reflectie ..................si o incomensurabila liniste sufleteasca..........

Bunul Allah ............sa fie multumit de voi, si sa va binecuvanteze pentru ceea ce faceti....si mai astept.

Este emotionant.......si am nevoie de aceste emotii......

08-09-2006, 02:54 PM
Mina –mi tremura nestiind sa scrie…
Dar poate ea…o biata bucata de os imbracat in haina vietii sa exprime arderile mele…focul intern ???
De ce sunt departe …si totusi aproape…atit de aproape !
Ohh ..sunt un pieritor de rind cazut in genunchi in fata Celui de Necuprins
Privesc la valuri in noapte, spume albe asemeni unor aripi d eporumbei lovesc malul rind pe rind
Si printre ele parca…lumini argintii jucause asemeni diamantelor se intrezaresc printre ondulatii
Odata cu ele….gindurile mele de evadare…libertate…amintiri ..
Gindurile se opresc pentru o clipa…speriate parca de minunatia marii
Ele..diamantele valurilor parca –mi se descopera mie asemeni unui boboc iesit la viata
In secret…..doar mie…….feerie de lumina, stralucire…mister
Imi ridic privirea insetata de etern spre coverta stelara
Te chem Doamne…mereu o fac dar parca ACUM…cu mai multa durere…suspine si speranta
Ma simt atit de mica in fata Ta …dar dorul meu te cheama…dorinta de iubire…
La tine Doamne.,.,.,e numai mangaiere
Si chipul meu ca malul…napadit de valuri…lacrimi
Ma pling…te chem…te simt…si te implor
Cite un genunchi imi cade in marshul vietii aspru…
Din nou te chem…si-mi spun :Rabdare…Cedare…Speranta
Acum un stilp in zare se ridica …de ma sustine crincen…vinjos si nu ma lasa…islamul - axa vietii mele
Amarul nu-i parca tot amar…durerea mea e simpla copila pe linga a lor poveste- martirii Aqsei sfinte , El Qods indepartat
….In fiecare zi in lume e o Karballa…si-n fiecare seaman un posibil Yazid ce rapune …
Si atitea sacrificii………tradare…….umilinta…..
De ce minte musulmanul…si de ce e musulman>> ?
De ce sa plinga omul……cu al lui suflet sarman
De ce -mi tresalta pieptul de atita nonshalanta…
Cum n-oi mai plinge cu lacrima fierbinte…
Ca inca –s vie…si rid …iar viata ma inconjoara
Iar ei sun tla Tine Doamne…
Si Ferdaws.. incinta…………
Mi-e dooooooooor de tine Doamne
De viata nu am parte …si totusi sunt in ea..
Dar asta nu e viata…e un demo..un joc de carte
De ce mint oamenii…de ce inseala inimi nevinovate
De ce sa moara pruncul in fasa lui de spuma
De ce e lumea neagra…avida de putere
De ce sunt misogina…daca durerea e in mine ?
De ce nepasatorii sunt in Lumea lor ?De ce iubirea moare si viata mai ramine…
Cind totul e pustiu… ?

(poezie scrisa pa malul marii Mediterane in Gaza)

08-10-2006, 01:56 AM
Muslim Girls.

You got a scarf on your head
But jeans that stick to your skin
Your stomach is revealed
You’re into the SIN

When asked what you are
Your culture you name
Muslim don’t cross your tongue
What a pity what a shame!

You take pride in the tops
That reveals your back
Cleavage not an issue
It’s with the pack

Now it’s fashion to wear the scarf
In the way you do
Julia Stiles did it in save the last dance
Now you will too!

Your hair it is styled
With the gel and the mouse
You got the hip hugging jeans
With the matching shoes

You wake up at dawn
To apply your face
So guys can pick you up
What a disgrace!

You infuriated girl
Hit the road of the west
Your born in the truth
But you observe the rest

You do the dating scene
And the kissing guys
You think they’re the world
Open your eyes

Encouraging Muslim boys
To do the same?
But it’s all-good,
With the Muslim name

At least he is Muslim
That’s what your friends say
Encouraging a ummati
In the same way

Your life revolves around him
Your heart it does the dance
Pitiful are you
Within haram romance

08-10-2006, 01:59 AM

Life doesn’t travel
Farther than the grave
It’ll pass you faster
If the world you crave

You think your getting educated
When you hit the school
But they’re playing you like puppets
You’re the fool

And those who do fear god
Those whom you tease
When you toss in the flames
They’ll cool in the breeze

Don’t you love the prophet?
Who was stoned for you?
Whose last words were for us?
Who came with the truth

The mothers of believer
Who cast their gaze down?
The best of the women
Upon you they would frown

Disgusting girl have some shame within you
While they cast their gaze down, you stare right through

While they feared Allah, the alone the True
You think the only problem is if people see you

What would my parents say, will I be allowed out again
Society will gossip, it’ll be the end

But little do you assume about the end that is near
And if only your death and Allah you fear

09-28-2006, 08:23 AM
Ruina unei utopii
de Mircea Cărtărescu (din vol. Pururi tanar, infasurat in pixeli)

Intotdeauna, în perioada ireală a sărbătorilor, cînd mă scol foarte devreme şi geamurile sînt îngheţate pînă sus, şi prin sticla lor deformată ninge înverşunat şi strîmb, şi cînd stau încă năuc în bucătărie, cu lumina aprinsă - undeva în adîncul blocului sună un deşteptător - am aceeaşi viziune de cititor înrăit.
Sorbind din cafeaua fierbinte, visez Cartea. Mai nebunească decît „Veacul de singurătate", mai profundă decît „Castelul", mai nesfîrşită decît „Căutarea timpului pierdut". Imaginez o mare echipă de scriitori care să muncească timp de cîteva generaţii la o singură carte, pe care s-o citeşti din copilărie, de cînd desluşeşti literele, pînă pe patul de moarte, cînd nu le mai desluşeşti.
O carte care să se substituie vieţii tale, dar fără clipele, zilele, lunile, anii monotoni ai vieţii. în adolescenţă, ghemuit în pat, mi se-ntîmpla să citesc uneori de dimineaţă pînă seara, uitînd să mănînc şi aproape şi să respir, pentru că paginile — pe care de fapt nici nu le mai vedeam — descriau oameni adevăraţi, nori adevăraţi, oraşe adevărate, pe cînd, dacă-mi ridicam privirile, nu vedeam decît jalnice umbre. îmi dădeam seama că se înserează doar cînd paginile se făceau roşii ca focul, apoi cenuşii.
Drama vieţii mele a început mai tîrziu, cînd în locul Cărţii am fost silit să trăiesc realitatea.
Mă tem că
de-acum încolo nimeni nu va mai locui în cărţi, aşa cum au făcut-o generaţia mea şi cele precedente. Şi că utopia lecturii va rămîne undeva, pe o colină îndepărtată, ca un mare labirint ruinat.