View Full Version : Care sunt fructele acide?

08-21-2006, 12:42 PM
Stie cineva care fructe sunt acide? Am cautat pe net dar am gasit numai contradictii , unele fructe cand le gaseam in tabelul de acide pe alt site in tabelul celor neacide.
In afara de citrice si ananas mai stie cineva fructe acide?
sau doar astea sunt?

08-21-2006, 01:16 PM
Ti-am dat un link , te rog sa-l traduci ca deocamdata nu am timp :)


08-21-2006, 01:19 PM
daca o sa-mi ia o zi :36_1_21: nu-i vina mea ci e :36_1_21: franceza din mine

08-21-2006, 01:23 PM
For example, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, tangerines and kumquats are citrus fruits containing citric acid. Apples, sometimes classified "sub-acid", contain malic acid. Cranberries contain benzoic acid, etc.


08-21-2006, 01:31 PM
Citric acid, is found in oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangerines, qumquats, pineapples, pomegranates, tomatoes, citrons, quinces, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, cranberries, and many others, either as an acid or else combined with alkaline salts forming citrates. Citric acid is absorbed from the digestive tract and, after being decomposed in the body, is eliminated by the kidneys as sodium carbonate.

Oxalic acid is perhaps the most widely distributed of all the organic acids, occurring in both fruits and vegetables. Cocoa, chocolate, coffee, and tea are particularly rich in it. So also are cranberries and rhubarb. The leaves of the rhubarb contain more than the stems. Tomatoes really have very little oxalic acid. Spinach contains many times as much oxalic acid as tomatoes. White bread, and even potatoes, contain much more of this acid than tomatoes. Sorrel is rich in oxalic acid.

Oxalic acid is most difficult for the animal body to oxidize and use. Opinions differ about its availability to the body. In excess it is probably productive of harm and is held responsible for some kidney stones. The percentage of this acid in most vegetables and fruits is so small that there is little danger of excess. A diet of spinach, tea, coffee and cocoa will easily introduce an excess into the body. In the normal person oxalic acid, whether entering the body as a free acid or as a salt, usually a calcium salt, undergoes oxidation into carbon dioxide and water, leaving its bases at the free disposal of the body.

Acetic acid is found in many plants. It combines readily with sodium, potassium, ammonium and other alkalies, forming salts or acetates, these acetates existing naturally in the juices of many vegetables. The acid and its salts are converted into alkaline carbonates in the body.

Malic acid is found in apples, apricots, cherries, cherimoyas, currants, loquats, mangos, papayas, pears, peaches, pineapples, plums, prunes, quinces, tomatoes, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, either in the free state, or in combination with alkaline bases, as malates, such as malate of calcium, malate of potash, malate of magnesium; and is found also in parsley, carrots and potatoes.

Tartaric acid is one of the most common organic acids. Grapes, mangos and tamarinds and other fruits contain this acid. As grapes ripen their tartaric acid disappears and sugar and other carbohydrates increase. The acids are apparently converted into sugars and starches.

Lactic acid is produced in the fermentation of milk sugar (lactose), when the milk sours. It exists in cheese and also in ripened cream. The fermentation of various sugars and starches and other substances, in the presence of protein, also gives rise to lactic acid as a by-product.

Fruit acids and vegetable acids are beneficial only in their organic forms or as acid salts. The artificially prepared acids, sold in soft drinks and in other forms, never produce the beneficial effects that one obtains from the organic acids. Extracted acids are also not beneficial. Fruit and vegetable acids should be taken only in the fruit or vegetable in which they were formed or in the form of fruit juices and vegetable juices.

The older view that fruit acids produce acidosis, or that they increase blood acidity, still prevails in many quarters. This view is erroneous. Fruit acids actually do just the opposite of this--they increase blood alkalinity. Prunes, plums and cranberries are perhaps the only exceptions to the rule that acid fruits are all alkaline-ash foods.

concluzia e ca nu are rost sa te feresti de toate fructele acide, pt ca desi multe din acestea contin acizi, acestia sunt transformati rapid in baze. eventual pt boile de stomac poti sa fii mai precauta; in rest, acesti acizi sunt transformati rapid in baze si circula in sange ca si baze.

in general, asa stiam si eu, ca citricele, iaurtul si branza de oi sunt acide. in orice caz, bauturile gen Coca Cola sunt mult mai acide decat un simplu iaurt...cred ca produsele sintetice sunt in general periculoase pt orice boala.

08-21-2006, 01:34 PM
merci beaucoup
in sfarsit ceva pe limba mea:36_1_21: